WooHoo! You're here because you want to learn more about being...


The change makers, the planners, the people behind the scenes helping the PTO in supporting the school; a member of the PTO Board. Believe me, you're in the right spot. Now down to business. You want to know what you're signing yourself up for. And we're glad you're asking. 

The PTO Board is looking to appoint a Secretary and various At Large members for the 2024-2025 school year. Board members play a vital role in the operations of the PTO. Aside from being informed, helping to identify gaps in school resources and programs, and helping to implement future projects; one of the greatest benefits to you personally is the impact your involvement will have on your student. Research shows:

"No matter their income or background, students with involved parents are more likely to have higher grades and test scores, attend school regularly, have better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to school."
-Research from the
National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education

You can submit your interest in the Secretary. Should you have any questions, you can reach us at volunteers@awepto.org. We hope you consider joining this team of change makers in positively impacting Alexander Wilson Elementary.


-Your 2024-2025 PTO Board



ELIGIBILITY- Those interested must be a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in Alexander Wilson Elementary during the 2023-2024 school year. Board Members must have a valid volunteer card/background check from ABSS. If you are interested in a position, please submit your interest and then apply for a card. You'll want one for future field trips and school involvement anyway. 


Officers (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer) shall serve for a term of two (2) years; beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30. Individuals shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms (4 years) in the same office.


APPOINTMENT- After submitting your interest the current board will review submissions. Submissions will be periodically reviewed until the position is filled. Our goal is to fill the position before the start of the term- July 1. We are also looking for individuals interested in leading various programs throughout the year. 


PRESIDENT- The President presides over meetings of the PTO and Executive Board; oversees the work of the PTO’s officers; represents the PTO at all school and community functions/events; serves as the primary liaison to the school administration and community; and ensures legal compliance of the PTO in accordance with Federal, State, and ABSS policies and procedures. The President will also insure that all accounts, records, documents, and other property belonging to the Alexander Wilson PTO are passed on to the appropriate individual(s) once an office is vacated. 


VICE PRESIDENT- The Vice President assists the President and performs the duties of the President in their absence, resignation, or inability to serve. They also oversee the committees of this PTO. 


SECRETARY- The Secretary will keep the records of the PTO, including minutes of its meetings, a roll of all present at any meeting and then will publish minutes to the PTO website or another appropriate school-wide distribution medium. The Secretary coordinates correspondence authorized by the President, Executive Board, or the PTO. They are also responsible for completing and maintaining the records for required government filings that ensure the PTO’s compliance with applicable law, other than the tax filings overseen by the Treasurer. 


TREASURER- The Treasurer will be responsible for the collection of funds, receive all money due to the PTO, provide for the safekeeping of such funds, and disburse them only upon the authority of the PTO. The Treasurer prepares the annual budget and is responsible for ensuring the PTO’s tax filings.


AT-LARGE MEMBER- At-Large members will have such titles, terms, and attendance as the Officers determine appropriate, with no appointment lasting beyond the conclusion of the school year. They have the same authority and similar responsibilities as other Executive Board members but their roles and responsibilities have the flexibility to change throughout the year. In no event shall such At-Large members exceed ten in number.